Tuesday, November 26, 2013


So there have been a few things that I have read this week, in regards to Celiac Disease, that are making me question my faith in humanity. I think it is partially the fault of those "fad" gluten free dieters, but it doesn't excuse the meanness!

The first came to my attention from a posting in a Facebook support group by a fellow Celiac blogger. I do not know the people involved or the details, but this is what was stated. A couple is going through what has become a particularly nasty divorce. One of their children has been recently diagnosed as a Celiac. The father, not believing Celiac to be an actual disease, is refusing to feed the child in accordance with the diet. I do not know child abuse and neglect laws, but there has to be something that covers that! My heart brakes for that child, who doesn't know any better and can't do anything about it. It's disgusting.

The second was a skit by Jimmy Fallon last week. The skit is about an "author" of a gluten free cookbook being interviewed by Jimmy. Jimmy proceeds to mock the book and the need to be gluten free making comments along the lines of 'we all have headaches, get over it!' The skit ends with Jimmy throwing a gluten containing pie in the face of the "author."

(Click here to view the clip on YouTube)

Now I know he's a comedian and I CAN take a joke. But if this was someone with a peanut allergy or a shellfish allergy would it still be funny? Or even a socially accepted joke to make? If they were mocking a peanut allergy and shoved a PB&J in someone's face how many people would laugh? If you actually did that to someone you knew had an actual peanut allergy you could be charged with assault. And that is if the person lived! There is such ignorance and a lack of wanting to understand it is appalling to me. Not following a GF lifestyle can be VERY dangerous. No, we will not die of anaphylaxis within minutes of consuming gluten. We could however face pain, infections, cancer, infertility, nervous system disorders, malnutrition, and the list goes on.

The last is an article I want to share with you. I think it speaks for itself. It is just shocking how rude people are! It is a list of "pet peeves" written by two servers in Montreal. On the list they state:

2. Allergies and intolerances and gluten free, oh my!
Everybody these days seems to have some form of dietary restriction, and servers are constantly hearing about new allergies and intolerances — and don’t get me started on gluten free! The scene below happens in some form or another all the time:
Client: I’m allergic to nuts.
Server: Well the plate you ordered has nuts in it. Would you like something else?
Client: No I’ll still take it.
Server: Great! Do you have any other allergies that you made up?

My personal feeling is that these servers should not be in the service industry. Most of the piece is negative and whiny. I have worked in customer service, and in the food industry and I would have been without a job if that was my attitude! Sure some customers are frustrating and annoying! You have to remember though that just because someone asked you the same question twelve times already this week doesn't mean the customer standing in front of you knows the answer. It is your job to HELP and SERVE people! If I were to ever encounter a server with such an attitude I would be all too happy to take my "made up allergies" and my money to another business!

(Click here for the full article.)

I wanted to vent so-to-speak about all this before Thanksgiving and the upcoming holiday season so I can focus on happier things! Part of the problem is the "fad" of going gluten free, but for the most part these people are just ignorant. I never cease to be amazed by impatience and intolerance. I am, however, a firm believer in reaping what you sow so some of these people better think before they open their mouths again!


  1. Another good one Angela. I have learned a lot by following your blog here. Keep up the good work so that others can learn! ~Bev ~

  2. I could not agree more!!! One of my biggest pet peeves is when people ask me how much weight I've lost since going GF..like I am just taking part in this fad diet and doing it to shed pounds. Um no, actually I have gained weight if you must know, because I am not sick all the time now!! I do it to save my life, not to trim my figure! Ugh, its very frustrating...people don't understand there are so many of us that NEED to be on this diet for our health. I am very upset in Jimmy Fallon because I love his show too, I'd never seen that video and wish I hadn't. You can tell people who don't know anyone with Celiacs to those that do. Anyone who actually knows someone with the disease would never make a joke like that. I agree I think the people who DO go on the diet as a "fad" or to lose weight are making it worse for those of us who have to be GF. The comment about the dad who won't feed his child GF foods just makes me sick!! I am a Social Worker and I've never had something like that come up but I would think it may fall under the "denial of critical care" category because he is technically MAKING this child sick by not following his diet restrictions...

    1. I didn't mention it above but I think the worst part about the Jimmy Fallon skit is that he could be using his celebrity to raise awareness about the disease! He's taking us 3 steps back instead of a step forward!

  3. Dear Celiac Lady,

    I am writing to you for help in obtaining the following item in the St Louis Market. Tony Chachere's Bloody Mary Mix. It is Gluten Free, Low Sodium 280 mg , All Natural and No HFCS. I have tried to get Dierbergs and Schnucks to bring it in to no avail. I have gotten it at Friar Tucks , but that is a drive for me. Your help is appreciated!!! Dave
